
SUCCESS STORY: Lee Ann & Guide Dog Cuba

SUCCESS STORY: Lee Ann & Guide Dog Cuba

Testimonial by Lee Ann and Guide Dog Cuba

Lee Ann & CubaMy name is Lee Ann and my guide dogs name is Cuba. She joined our family on her second birthday in November 2017. Although we were on the waiting list for 7 years, she was well worth the wait. It only took a few days for Cuba to feel like another member of our family. Her boundless energy and enthusiasm quickly won over the hearts of my four teenagers, my husband and me.

She has become very devoted to me. She tends to follow me every time I stand up, even if she is already cuddling with one of my kids. She loves greeting people every time they come in and bringing them her toys, so she can play. She likes going to the dog park, playing catch, fetch and, even though she’s not a fan of the rain, loves to swim. But at the end of the day, Cuba knows when she’s had enough and will take herself to bed.

Now that I have her in my life, I can venture out in to the world unassisted by my family. I can now go to the doctors, grocery store and pharmacy all on my own. I have noticed since getting her that people are more open to talking to me whether it is at church, the store or simply on the streets.

Every day she is happy for me to put on her harness and head out. We quite often will spend more than an hour walking the streets of our neighbourhood. Cuba loves walking down streets that she has never walked down before and explore new environments.

I can’t imagine life without her, even after such a short period of time. The feeling of confidence and freedom Cuba has given me has opened my whole world. Thanks to BC guide dogs, her puppy raiser, and Nick, her trainer, for giving me such a valuable gift.