Leave a Legacy with BC & Alberta Guide Dogs

Leave a Legacy

What is Legacy Giving?

A legacy gift is a planned future financial consideration to a charity, given through a will or other form of designation. It’s a decision that each person makes in their own financial planning process to provide future support to the causes that are important to them.

Please consider a legacy gift to BC & Alberta Guide Dogs when you are evaluating your personal, family and financial needs, as well as your long-term charitable giving. Every legacy gift, regardless of the amount, is important and of great value to our mission – breeding, raising and professionally training Guide Dogs, Autism Service Dogs, and OSI-PTSD Service Dogs.

As a registered Canadian charity we gratefully accept:

  • Bequests
    Gifts given through a will. Instructions may be left indicating how the capital or interest (or both) may be spent on either general or specific purposes.
  • Endowments
    Donations of money or property, usually structured so that the principal amount is kept intact while the investment income is available for use. This allows for the donation to have an impact over a longer period than if it were spent all at once. Endowments may be established in memory of a loved one or for a special occasion.
  • Life insurance policies
    You can name us as a beneficiary on a new policy or donate an existing policy and receive a significant year-end charitable deduction. There are also estate tax savings. This provides BC & Alberta Guide Dogs with a significant gift at a low cost to you.
  • Charitable gift annuities and trusts
    Gifts that allow donors to leave a bequest or make a gift while receiving an immediate tax receipt.
  • Stocks, bonds & other gifts of property
    If stocks, bonds, real estate or other securities are worth more now than when you acquired them, you can maximize the tax benefit by transferring them directly to BC & Alberta Guide Dogs. You will receive fair market value for your gift based on the date of your gift and, in most cases, avoid capital gains taxes on the appreciated value.
  • Cash gifts
    You may leave an outright cash gift, either in a lump sum or over a specific period of time.

Legacy Giving changes lives.

Donors create legacy gifts for many different reasons. It ensures your memory or the memory of a loved one lives on, by providing future support to the causes that mean the most to you.

Arranging for a planned charitable gift, from a tax perspective, is sound financial planning.

Through a legacy, you are making an important contribution to the future sustainability of the work of BC & Alberta Guide Dogs.

Plan a charitable gift today – leave a legacy for tomorrow.

Your gift will provide vital funding to:

  • Serve the growing number of individuals seeking our services
  • Enable us to achieve long-term financial stability and sustainability
  • Expand the size of our breeding program and facilities
  • Hire certified instructors

Who can leave a gift?

Anyone who is passionate about a cause can leave a planned gift. No gift is too small, and each contribution is greatly appreciated.

How to Leave a Gift

Take the time to consider your options carefully, and plan your gift in consultation with a qualified legal and financial advisor regarding your particular circumstance.

Planning to leave a legacy gift now not only increases your feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction but can also have beneficial tax implications.

Contact Us

BC & Alberta Guide Dogs
William Thornton, CEO

7061 Ladner Trunk Road
Delta, BC, V4K 3N3
Ph: 604-940-4504
Toll-free: 1-877-940-4504